He played skating with a picture of a sheep

He played skating with a picture of a sheep Alexander Ovechkin on the eve of the Olympics in Vancouver ordered skates with the image of an enraged sheep and the Russian tricolor. True, this did not bring victory. Ovechkin and his partners hopelessly lost to Canadians...

Hit the Madame Tussauds Museum

The wax figure of Alexander Ovechkin is installed in Madame Tussauds. Of course, the copy of the most famous hockey player of Russia also lacks a tooth. Alexander Ovechkin stands in a museum near Adolf Hitler and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Signed a record contract in NHL history

In December 2008, Washington decided that Ovechkin’s contract must be re-signed. By that time, Alexander managed to become a world champion, to become the most productive player in the league in 10 years and was generally well done. The Capitals offered the player an...

I broke my nose five times

Ovechkin is a tough hockey player. During the hockey career, the bones of his nasal septum cracked five times. And the number of alien noses broken by him is in the tens